Friday, August 28, 2009

Better late than never, right?

So, I finally started with the LOST rewatch... and I have to say I am pretty disappointed in myself for not being a part of it since the start with everyone else who is participating. I really meant to... but I guess life got in the way.

Anyways, needless to say... I did finally start it this week. And I am sooo pumped!

I didn't approach it the same way as some people have, in that I didn't sit there with a notepad and scrawl a bunch of notes while I watched. I know if I even attempt to do that, I'll end up shooting myself in the foot and won't enjoy it as much.

So since this is the last opportunity for us to watch it from start to finish without knowing the outcome yet, I thought I would really just watch and absorb as much as I can.

I do have a few things to point out after watching the first 3 episodes of season 1.

...for those of you who want clarification - that's the pilot part 1 & 2 and also Tabula Rasa.

Here's what I noticed that I never realized before:

  • Jack is a big flirt even in the worst times imaginable. We know since we've already seen the show like a gazillion times that he hits on Ana Lucia in the airport bar, and then we also see him using his charm (and flirting) with the flight attendant, Cindy. Then he hits a bit of a rough patch and has to deal with the whole crash landing of a plane, but then proceeds to start chatting up Kate. Umm Hmmm... all this and he's just found out his dad died, and is escorting his body back on the plane. Is this really the time for all this Jack??

  • Another thing I found odd was that Kate, Jack and Charlie set out to find the cockpit of the plane only on the second day after the plane crash. Anybody else find it odd that the pilot didn't come to before then? He was knocked out to the point where he only wakes up the day after...and yet he's able to stand and move around the cabin? Are we sure he wasn't reanimated or something?

  • I never realized that Ray, the guy that turns Kate in... has a prostetic arm. I don't know if we should be wondering about that, but it's a bit odd that we know Pierre Chang was suppossed to lose an arm... and that Montand lost an arm... doesn't it kinda seem significant - maybe just cause it's so random?

  • Also is it just me or does it seem like Kate's marshall has the hots for Kate? Like maybe she had wronged him in another way that he also wants revenge for... I dunno. That guy needs to chill a bit.

  • I definitely think Locke was weird from Day One. Where did he get that orange from anyways?

  • I think there's a major clue that this business between Jacob and MM is as old as the game of backgammon (was that 500yrs old?).

That's it for now... Gonna try and watch some more tonight!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So, I was shopping for shoes on Second Life...

...And I came across this really great shoe shop called - Shoe Fly Shoes. Not only do they have loads of stylish shoes for your avatar...but they also have a bunch of Lucky Chairs where you have to wait for the first letter of your name to show up on the seat, and when it win the shoes that are displayed! Very cool, I managed to pick up a few funky shoes and plan to head back to get my hands on some cool wedge pumps very soon!

After a while of that, I began to feel like something was missing... I realized it had been a few days since I had returned to the island, and I just kinda felt like I had to go back... LOL

Shopping was just not cutting it. It almost felt as though I was being drawn back if it was my Destiny. ;0
I quickly changed into some island appropriate clothes and teleported myself back there.
Upon my arrival, I was promptly greeted by the island's famous host - Smokie! He always seems to know exactly where I am - which can be a bit nerve wracking at times... In this case, I quickly climbed down the swan hatch's ladder and made my way inside just in time!
I went to check on the status of the button... and yup, it's still there! I had some time to kill before I was needed to press the button so I decided to chill out a bit.

Relaxing at the swan sitting on the same couch that Eko and Locke watched the orientation film got me all nostalgic and I decided it was time for a little Geronimo Jackson. Luckily the album was right there on the shelf! So I played a little bit of that...and then I realized that smokie was probably gone by now - so I took my chances and headed back outside.
I don't have pictures of what happened next... but let's just say - I ran into Daniel Faraday and he was frantically looking for Jughead. I tried to help him out but he was really nervous.
He kept saying something about trying to save the world.
Sure hope he finds what he's looking for. I think he was playing a Lost roll playing game with a few others. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Did you know there is a LOST ISLAND on Second Life?

As a major LOST fan... I feel it's my duty to make sure that all of you other LOSTIES out there know about the virtual Lost Island Sim over on Second Life.

It's absolutely amazing that there are such talented and creative people out there that can find ways to create these wonderful things and allow the fans at home to experience life on the island for themselves!

For those of you who have never visited, it's a must see!
So hurry up... grab your guitar case and pack a bag full of things you wanna bring from this life and head to the Island!
Follow the instruction at the above link and join me in this leap of faith!

Hope to see you there!
Island resident - Dharma Palmira